
Where was the Aron?


Radak (26) #1: It was in Shilo. It is called Beis Kel and Beis Hashem ("Beis Hashem Ani Holech" - 19:18). We do not find that they brought the Aron to Beis Kel. Also the first time they asked in "Beis Kel" (verse 18), i.e. Shilo.


Radak #2: Perhaps they brought the Aron to Beis Kel. 1 It is near Shilo, which was "Tzafonah l'Beis Kel" (21:19). They brought it there to pray there. Hashem answered them in the merit of Yakov, whom Hashem blessed there (Bereishis 35:9), and Binyamin was born at that time.


Radak: "Sham Aron Bris ha'Elokim ba'Yamim ha'Hem" implies that that was its place, and not that it was brought there.

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