
What is the significance of sitting on the throne of judgment?


Rashi #1: This refers to Hashem.


Rashi #2: This refers to those who judge Emes.


R. Yonah: When he does so, "Mezareh v'Einav Kol Ra" - refer to 20:8:2:1.


Malbim: "Im Oshek Rash v'Gezel Mishpat vz'Tzedek Tir'eh ba'Medinah Al Tismah Al ha'Chefetz Ki Gavoha me'Al Gavoha Shomer" (Koheles 5:7) - i.e. if you see oppression and theft and there is no Mishpat in the country, know that the reason is that the supreme guard is not supervising the Mishpat by himself. Rather, he handed over conduct of Mishpat to the viceroy under Himself, and the viceroy gave it to the one under him. The oppressed cannot bring proof of] their virtue to the king himself. It can be that the smaller judges are not concerned to do Mishpat, or they lack the power to do so, or they lean to unjust gain and bribery. Refer to 20:8:2:1.


What is the significance of "Mezareh v'Einav Kol Ra"?


R. Yonah: He sees all Resha'im at once. They fear lest he recognize their evil and guile, since he is a Chacham and loves Din and straightness, and he has the ability to judge them. When he sees the fear on their faces, he recognizes them.


Malbim: However, if the king himself sits on Kisei Din, and judges by himself, surely he will do Mishpat for the oppressed and the arm of guile will be broken. There are four conditions. (a) The king himself judges. (b) He sits on Kisei Din - this shows that he sits on it consistently. (c) He sits on Kisei Din 1 - there is a difference between (b) Kisei Din and Kisei Mishpat. Mishpat is the final verdict. Din is hearing the litigants' claims. He hears them themselves, and not via lawyers and judges, for them hey can deceive the supreme judge. (d) "Mezareh v'Einav Kol Ra" - aside from Mishpat, he oversees everywhere and scatters evil via the eyes of his supervision.


Lev Eliyahu (Bereishis p.123): Not only evil deeds - even a leaning to evil is despised in Hashem's eyes.


This was the second condition! Perhaps here, the text should say 'Kisei Mishpat' (PF).

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