
What is the meaning of "Chaburos Petza Tamruk b'Ra"?


Rashi citing Shabbos 33a: If one is Mamrik (diverts himself) to sin, wounds come on him.


R. Yonah #1: Strength is nice for youths, and white hairs are nice for elders (29). So afflictions are nice for an evil man. Therefore, one should not be pained when afflictions come upon him, for they are a correction and ornament for him. Tamruk is like "v'Nason Tamrukeihen" (Esther 2:3).


R. Yonah #2: [Wounds] are Memarek (cleanse) the evil and atone for the sin.


Malbim: If one pursues Arayos excessively, external wounds and internal pains come upon him. If he empties his bodily strength via Ra - Zenus and emitting semen 1 , Chaburos Petza come upon from the outside. Together, they are dangerous.


Malbim: These are called Ra - "va'Yhi Er Bechor Yehudah Ra b'Einai Hashem" (Bereishis 38:7).


What do we learn from "u'Makos Chadrei Vaten"?


Rashi citing Shabbos 33a: If one is diverts himself to sin, he will be judged to receive Hadrokan (in which the stomach swells).


Malbim: If he empties his bodily strength via Ra, also his stomach, innards, desire for food, and digestive organs will be ruined.

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