
Having written "v'Yom ha'Shevi'i;" why does the Torah add "Shabbos La'Shem Elokecha"?


Rashi: To teach us to observe Shabbos in honor of Hashem (and not for one's personal pleasure).


Seforno: To teach us to learn and teach on Shabbos; 1 to observe, to do, and to enjoy the Shabbos 2 - all in honor of Hashem.


Mechilta: "v'Yom ha'Shevi'i" is a warning against doing Melachah in the day; and "Shabbos La'Shem Elokecha" against doing Melachah on Shabbos night. 3


Yerushalmi Shabbos, 15:3: 'like Hashem' - just as Hashem desisted from speech (of Creation) 4 on Shabbos, so too should we desist from (mundane) speech.


Oznayim la'Torah: Shabbos is not a day on which one visits amusement centers, visits friends, or goes for walks! Rather, it is a day on which one Davens and learns more; it is a day of concentration and profound thoughts (a day on which one comes closer to Hashem).


Seforno: In order to emulate and to be like Him to the best of our ability.


Seforno: By eating and drinking special food) in order to serve Him better, as Rava said (in Yoma 7b) 'Wine and spices made me wise.'


See Torah Temimah, note 63.


See Torah Temimah, note 64, who elaborates.


What is the definition of "Melachah" with regard to Shabbos?


Shabbos 49b: "Melachah" incorporates thirty-nine Melachos; 1 corresponding to the thirty-nine times that the term "Melachah," "Melachto" or "Meleches" appear in the Torah.


Incorporating all the major Melachos that were performed in connection with the construction of the Mishkan - because both share the same objective of sanctifying - Mishkan sanctifies place, and Shabbos, time (Oznayim la'Torah). See also Torah Temimah, note 67, citing Tosfos.


What are the implications of "Lo Sa'aseh Kol Melachah"?


Shabbos 120a: It implies that causing a Melachah to be performed is permitted. 1


Shabbos 117b: It precludes blowing the Shofar and removing bread (Redi'yas ha'Pas) from the oven, which are Chochmos and not Melachos. 2


Pesachim 47b: It is a warning against Muktzah on Shabbos. 3


Yerushalmi Shabbos, 2:1: It implies that if Melechah was performed automatically, 4 one may benefit from it.


See Torah Temimah, note 65:


See Torah Temimah, note 68.


Refer to 16:5:1:6* .


See Torah Temimah, note 66.


Seeing as one's grown-up children are included in the prohibition in ther own right, what does the Torah mean when it writes "Atah u'Vincha u'Vitecha"?


Rashi, Ramban and Seforno: With reference to Ketanim, who Min ha'Torah, are not included in the Mitzvos, the Torah here is issuing a prohibition against allowing them to perform a Melachah on behalf of their parents 1 on Shabbos. 2


Moshav Zekenim: This only applies to children old enough to positively intend to act on behalf of their parents.


Rashi: Hence the Gemara says in Shabbos (121a) that if a child comes to extinguish a a fire, one does not allow him to do so. See also Sifsei Chachamim.


Seeing as Avadim and Shefachos have the same Din as women, why does the Torah need to warn their masters?


Ramban #1: Since Avadim are under the jurisdiction of their masters, the Torah holds the latter responsible to keep them in check.


Ramban #2: Because Hashem is teaching the Aseres ha'Dibros to Yisrael and not to the Avadim.


Why does the Torah warn grown-ups concerning children and masters concerning Avadim, something that it does not do by any other Mitzvah?


Oznayim la'Torah: a. In order to preserve the union between Shabbos and Yisrael; 1 b. Because Shabbos, which is the foundation of Emunah, has many facets (Melachos) to it, and it therefore equires the parents to teach it to their children and masters, to their Avadim and Shefachos. 2


Oznayim la'Torah: Whereas very weekday has a partner, The partner of Shabbos is Yisrael - 'the unique nation in the land!'


Refer also to 20:12:6:2.


What are the ramifications of "... u'Vehemtecha"?


Shabbos 153b & 154a: It is a La'av against Mechamer (making an animal work - leading it when it is laden) on Shabbos. 1


Rosh: It teaches us a prohibition against lending our animals to a non-Jew to work on Shabbos - since our animals are commanded to rest from work like ourselves. 2


Shabbos (ibid.): Even though Mechamer is not subject to Misas-Beis-Din, it is not subject to Malkos either, either because the same La'av incorporates Melachah which is, or from the (otherwise superfluous) word "Atah" See Torah Temimah citing Shabbos (ibid.), and note 73.


Rosh: In the event that one did, he is obligated to declare the animal Hefker.


Is one obligated to stop one's animal from picking grass to eat on Shabbos?


Oznayim la'Torah (citing R. Tam in Shabbos 122a): No! Because as far as the animal is concerned, that does not fall under the category of "Lema'an Yanu'ach," but under that of Tza'ar (pain). 1


See Oznayim la'Torah, who elaborates.


What is the difference between "Avdecha" here, and "v'Yinafesh Ben Amasecha ... " in Parshas Mishpatim (23:12)?


Mechilta: The current Pasuk is discussing a full-fledged Eved Cana'ani, who is circumcised, whereas "ben Amasecha" in Mishpatim, refers to the son of a Shifchah Cana'anis who is not circumcised. 1


Refer to 23:12:4:1.


To which sort of Ger is the Pasuk referring?


Ramban #1: It is referring to a Ger Toshav, 1 who has undertaken to keep the seven Mitzvos Bnei Noach. He is not obligated to keep Shabbos, but is forbidden to perform Melachos on behalf of a Yisrael. 2


Ramban #2 (citing the Mechilta) and Rosh: Here 3 it refers to a Ger Tzedek.


Whom the Gemara in Avodah-Zarah (64b) refers to as 'Ger Ochel Neveilos' (See Ramban).


Ramban: Just like a minor and an animal. It is later in Parshas Mishpatim (23:12) that the Torah issues a warning against Chilul Shabbos to a Ger Tzedek.


Ramban: Seeing as we already know the Din by a Ger Toshav from the Pasuk "v'Yinafesh Ben Amasecha vha'Ger" (23:12) - See Ramban, DH 'Aval Matzanu l'Rabboseinu.' See also Devarim 5:14.


Why does the Torah mention a Ger, something that it does not do by any of the other Dibros?


Rosh: Even though he is a full-fledged Yisrael, who accepted all the Mitzvos, we might have thought that Shabbos is so precious to Hashem that it is confined to those who were conceived in Kedushah.


Oznayim la'Torah: Because it is the only one of the Aseres ha'Dibros that he was forbiddden to keep before he converted, on pain of death. So the Torah is telling us that now not only is he permitted to keep Shabbos, but he is Chayav Misah if he doesn't! 1


See Oznayim la'Torah.


Why does the Torah add the words "Asher bi'She'arecha"?


Oznayim la'Torah: It is advising a Ger Tzedek to uproot himself from his past environment and to live among Bnei Yisrael; otherwise he is bound to be unfluenced by his surroundings. 1


Which is why Beis-Din will not convert a Nochri unless he moves to an area which houses a Jewish community.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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