
What is the meaning of "Ose Henah va'Henah"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I turned to here and to there. I.e. I engaged in matters and went to and fro.


Malbim: I did not warn the king [not to let the captive, i.e. Ben Hadad, go]. This was true!


What is the meaning of "Atah Charatzta"?


Rashi: You said the ruling - you will die, or pay a Kikar of silver 1 .


Radak: You yourself gave the ruling, through accepting to guard him; you are liable.


Below (verse 42), he said "Nafshecha Tachas Nafsho", and there was no option to redeem himself via money! Kli Yakar - the blood of the Navi (his colleague hit him) was redemption for "v'Amcha Tachas Amo"; Dam (blood) is like Damim (money)

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