
What are the conotaions of the word "ve'Alav Mateh Menasheh"?


Rashi (citing Targum Onkelos): It means 'next to'. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 9. Sifsei Chachamim: Rashi did not need to explain the same word in Pesukim 5 &12, since there the Torah writes "ve'ha'Chonim Alav" (where it is perhaps more obvious). Refer to 2:20:151:1. Alternatively, because the Gemara in Menachos, 96b learns it from here. Refer also to 2:20:151:3.


Why does the Torah not write "ve'ha'Chonim alav" here, like it does in Pesukim 5, 12 & 27?


Moshav Zekenim (citing R. Yehudah ha'Chasid): Because Efrayim and Menasheh are like one tribe.


Moshav Zekenim: Because every tribe had a river coming out of Miriam's well [that supplied it with water] - and Efrayim and Menasheh had only one river.


Oznayim la'Torah: Because Menasheh was the factual firstborn who had done nothing wrong to lose it to Efrayim 1 - and "Alav" on its own has connotations of superiority. 2


Who gained it only because Ya'akov Avinu declared "Achiv ha'Katon Yigdal mimenu", and because Efrayim was the more numerous tribe (Oznayim la'Torah).


Moreover, in Pinchas, where Menasheh was more numerous than Efrayim, the Torah mention Menasheh first.

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