
Why does it mention the Beloved's voice?


Rashi: The author returns to what he mentioned above, like one who was concise, and says 'I did not tell you [even] the beginning of the matter. "The King brought me into His rooms" (1:4); he did not tell how He came to them in Egypt in an expression of love. Now he returns and says, I said that my Beloved drew me, and I ran after Him. I had despaired. I said that the Ge'ulah will be at the end of 400 years said at the Bris Bein ha'Besarim. My Beloved's voice is coming before the deadline!


Seforno: Hashem's congregation laments over Churban ha'Bayis. The voice of my Beloved did not change. It came when I was in Egypt.


Malbim (Melitzah): This begins the second Shir; it is until "Al Mishkavi ba'Leilos" (3:1). After the Heavenly beloved was incarcerated many days in the body, and the winter passed (11) and part of the spring, and Chodesh Ziv (Iyar) came, the Lover came to the beloved. This is a metaphor for the second time that Hashem spoke to Shlomo, when he began to build the Beis ha'Mikdash. It was not full Nevu'ah, just a message for that time. Therefore, it says that the supreme Lover came by Himself to His Kadosh beloved. Nefesh Shlomo had not prepared herself for Nevu'ah. She did not go out to the Midbar to distance greatly from the body, only to the vineyards, which are close to the city. The Banos (bodily powers) separated only temporarily, to hold the foxes that ruin the vineyards "Ad she'Yafu'ach ha'Yom" (17). Then, the physical Banos returned, and the supreme Lover rose from Shlomo. The voice of the Heavenly lover hears the voice of her supreme Beloved. Nevi'im recognize Hashem's voice.


Malbim (Mashal): She heard her beloved from afar. He entices his beloved to go after him. She goes to the vineyards and sends away Bnos Yerushalayim who guard her.


Why does it mention jumping on mountains and hills?


Torah Temimah citing Rosh Hashanah 11a: Jumping on mountains is in the merit of the Avos, and on hills in the merit of the Imahos.


Shir ha'Shirim Rabah 2:19: When Moshe came to redeem Yisrael, they said that 400 years were decreed, and only 210 passed. He answered, since He wants to redeem you, He does not heed calculations. He skips over mountains and hills (Ketzim (deadlines) and Iburim 1 ).


Seforno: Hashem showed Himself to Moshe on Har ha'Elokim.


Malbim (Melitzah): This depicts five levels, one after the other. (a) Jumping from mountain to mountain depicts the Shechinah of His strength outside of the world (mountains symbolize elevation over this world). (b) It jumps from mountains to hills - it descends into the world to fill all worlds. Also refer to 2:9:2:3, 2:9:3:3, 2:9:4:2.


Malbim (Mashal): The beloved came from Harerei Basar. He jumps from mountain to mountain, and from the mountain to the hill underneath.


I do not understand the relevance of Iburim. (PF)

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