What is "Sharku"?
Rashi: They whistle. It is common to do so when seeing something esteemed that was destroyed.
Why do they clap hands, whistle and shake their heads?
Ibn Ezra: Some are sad 1 over your desolation, and some shake the head and mock you.
Magihah (in Toras Chayim): Clapping shows sadness - "Sapakti Al Yarech" (Yirmeyah 31:18).
What is the significance of "Kol Overei Derech"?
Ri Kara: The Beis ha'Mikdash did not help only Yisrael. Any Goy who screamed out in pain to his god was not answered. He cursed his god, faced up and came to the Beis ha'Mikdash and was answered - "v'Gam Es ha'Nochri Asher Lo me'Amecha Yisrael;
What is the significance of saying "Kelilas Yofi"?
Rav Sadya Gaon: They say, is this the city that people say that it is the ultimate beauty?!.
Rashi: All beauty was of it.
Rid: It was totally beautiful.
Palgei Mayim: The nations are astounded at the magnitude of Yisrael's sin - the beautiful city became so sullied with sin!
How was it "Masos l'Chol ha'Aretz"?
R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 2:19: There was a place of calculations outside of Yerushalayim. Anyone who needed to calculate went there, lest someone be pained in Yerushalayim.
Ri Kara: A Goy who prayed to his god was not answered. He came to the Mikdash, prayed to Hashem and was answered (refer to 2:15:3:1). After it was destroyed, and were pained - "veha'Bayis ha'Zeh Yihyeh Elyon Kol Over Alav Yishom v'Sharak v'Amru Al Mah Asah Hashem Kachach la'Aretz ha'Zos vela'Bayis ha'Zeh" (Melachim I, 9:8).