
What do we learn from "Lema'an Telech b'Derech Tovim"?


Malbim citing Bava Metzi'a 83a: Rabah bar bar Chanah hired workers to transport barrels. A barrel broke. He took their shirts to pay for it. Rav ordered him to return their shirts! "L'Ma'an Telech b'Derech Tovim" (you must go beyond the letter of the law). Malbim - Derech is the big path. Archos are small paths from the city to the village. Via diligence in Chachmah, you will go on the fixed path special for the good, to benefit their colleagues.


Rashi: This refers to "to save you from a bad path" (12) - in order to lead you in the way of the good.


Why does it add "v'Archos Tzadikim Tishmor"?


Malbim citing Bava Metzi'a 83a: Rabah bar bar Chanah hired workers to transport barrels. A barrel broke. Rav exempted the workers. They petitioned 'we are poor. We worked all day, and we have nothing to eat!'

Rav obligated Rabah to pay their wages - "v'Orchos Tzadikim Tishmor". Malbim - these are individual paths of Tzadikim who do Tzedek, beyond the letter of the law. It depends on the case - e.g. they were poor.

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