
What is "Lehakshiv la'Chachmah [Aznecha]"?


Rashi: It is to engage in Torah.


R. Yonah: This is the first attribute to attain Chachmah - to hearken, and your ear will perceive the Emes of the words of the teachers. You will [know and remember] the teachings without addition or omission. Some people are not accurate, and add or detract. Also, sometimes it seems that they heard 'yes' in place of 'no' or vice-versa, 'permitted' in place of 'forbidden'


What is the significance of tilting his heart to Tevunah?


R. Yonah: This is the second attribute to attain Chachmah. He tilts his heart away from all worldly desires, to contemplate Chachmah. Via hearing accurately and contemplating what he heard, he will understand the reason. Chazal said, first one should learn [the text], and afterwards think about what he learned, and delve and contemplate it. Man's Chachmah is what he received from teachers. Tevunah is contemplating afterwards to know their reasons, to understand a matter amidst another matter and compare matters that he learned, all that are proper to compare. This is the Midah of Navon (Chagigah 14a).


Malbim: Binah does not require hearing, rather, contemplation in his heart.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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