
What is the meaning of "Ki Shachah El Maves Beisah"?


Rashi: This refers to "to save you from Ishah Zarah" (16). One who comes to her house, he bends and slips like an incline that descends to death. The Torah will guard you from this fall!


Malbim: This corresponds to "Ishah Zarah" (16). She causes the body to die prematurely.


Who are "Refa'im"?


Rashi: They slacken from the good path, and they are abandoned without support, until they fall in Gehinom.


Malbim: This corresponds to "Ishah Zarah." She causes the Nefesh to perish, that "bi'Khal Refa'im Yanu'ach" (21:16).


What are "Mageloseha"?


Malbim: They are the ways of comparisons and investigations via which you go roundabout to her house, to clarify the opinion of heresy and denial, via paths that depart from straightness and Emes. Also these cause the Nefesh to be cut off and perish!

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