
What is the meaning of "Bni Im Tikach Amarai"?


Rashi: You will be my son if you take (accept) what I say.


R. Yonah: This Parashah discusses the fourth preparation for Avodas Hashem 1 - learning Chachmah. Talmud brings to [good] deeds' (Kidushin 40b). The verses order the attributes via which one acquires Chachmah, and the benefits of Chachmah.


Malbim: Amarim are Musarim in the Torah, Emunos and mindsets. One must take and accept them; they are not obligatory like Mitzvos.


He discussed them above; refer to 1:7:1:2.


What are "Mitzvosai"?


R. Yonah: My warnings about the ways of learning Chachmah.


Malbim: A Mitzvah forces the commanded to guard the command, like a father's command to a son or a master's command to his slave. In Chachmah there are Mitzvos like Mitzvos of the Torah that one is obligated to do them. These must be hidden in the heart and not forgotten - "Lema'an Tizkeru va'Asisem Es Kol Mitzvosai" (Bamidbar 15:40).

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