
When should Bas Tziyon rejoice?


Radak #1: This Nevu'ah until "mi'Me'on Kodsho" (17) is for the future, in the days of Mashi'ach ? "v'Nilvu Goyim Rabim" (15), "Has Kol Basar" (17) ? we do not find this in Bayis Sheni!


Radak #2: This Parashah, except for "v'Nilvu Goyim Rabim" and "Has Kol Basar", discuss Bayis Sheni. It discusses Yehoshua and Zerubavel!


Malbim: After warning the nations not to harm Yisrael in Galus, this tells Tziyon to rejoice [now] due to the salvation that will come to it after the days of anger, when Hashem will come to dwell in it - "ul'Chavod Ehyeh b'Sochah" (9).

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