
What do we learn from "Achar Kavod"?


Rashi: I send to increase your honor.


Rashi citing Tanchuma Yashan, Devarim Hosafah 4]: After I will pay to Esav for the honor that he showed to his father.


Radak: After the honor that he promised you, like it is written above "ul'Chavod Ehyeh b'Sochah" (9).


Malbim: Hashem's honor and Hashgachah will go with [Yisrael] wherever they are scattered, to cut off the horns of the nations that do evil to them, until the time will come to redeem them, and He will dwell like a wall of fire around Yerushalayim (9).


What do we learn from "Shelachani El ha'Goyim ha'Sholelim Eschem"?


Radak: It is not enough for Hashem to pay to you good in place of the evil that came to you in Galus, until He takes vengeance against your enemies who plundered you.


Malbim: The Navi says so in the name of Hashem. The verse depicts that Hashem's honor (Hashgachah Pratis) goes with Yisrael amidst the nations, wherever they go in Galus.


What is "Bavas Eino"?


Radak: It is the black of the eye.


What is the comparison to touching "Bavas Eino"?


Radak: One who presses in it strongly, he will gouge it out. So one who touches you for evil, he strikes himself mortally.


Malbim: The verse depicts as if His honor has eyes of Hashgachah - "Limros Einei Kevodo" (Yeshayah 3:8). His Hashgachah is eyes that traverse the entire land. A sinner rebels against these eyes; the honor looks at his deeds. One who touches you for evil is like one who touches the pupil of the eye of His honor, which oversees you in your Galus.

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