
Why does it say "Hoy Tziyon Himalti"?


Rashi: Also this is an expression of announcing to gather. They should gather with Galil Tziyon, and escape from Bavel.


Radak (10): This refers to Shevet Yehudah and Binyamin; they dwelled in Tziyon.


Malbim: This tells the exiles in Bavel to escape to Tziyon. Now will not be the general gathering. Only those in Bavel will return to Tziyon, like it says in Ezra and Nechemyah. The rest of the Golah in the north, that Sancheriv and Nebuchadnetzar 1 exiled, did not return to Yerushalayim. In any case, also they did not return to their places. Afterwards they fled from there to the four directions. The vision of the four Keranos hints to this.


Why does he mention Nebuchadnetzar? He exiled Yisrael to Bavel! (PF)

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