
What is the "Besar Kodesh"?


Rashi: It is meat Tamei due to a Neveilah or Sheretz.


Malbim: It is truly Kodesh to Hashem, i.e. of Korbanos.


What is "Nezid"?


Rashi: It is a cooked food. Radak - this is like "Nezid Adashim" (Bereishis 25:34).


What is the question "ha'Yikadesh"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Does it become Tamei? Radak - i.e. will it become forbidden due to its Tum'ah 1 ?


Malbim: What touched the meat - does it receive Kedushah to be like the meat?


A Revi'i cannot be Metamei anything, therefore its Tum'ah is relevant only to become forbidden. (PF)


Did they answer correctly?


Rashi citing Pesachim 17a #1: No. He asked them whether there is a Revi'i l'Tum'ah in Kodesh, and they said that it is Tahor. Radak - some say that this answer was correct, for this was before they decreed that a Revi'i in Kodesh is Tamei.


Rashi citing Pesachim 17a #2: Yes. He asked them whether there is a Chamishi l'Tum'ah in Kodesh, and they said that it is Tahor.


Malbim: Yes. It says "Kol Asher Yiga bi'Vsarah Yikdash" (Vayikra 6:20) means that what touched Chatas becomes Kadosh (forbidden) due to taste [of Chatas] that it absorbs, and Ta'am k'Ikur, but not if it touched externally 1 .


I.e. without absorbing. (PF)


Why did he say "v'Naga bi'Chnafo"?


Rashi: It did not touch the Sheretz itself, rather, the garment, which is a Rishon l'Tum'ah. Radak - Kodesh meat was in his garment. The garment had touched a Sheretz; it was a Rishon and the meat was a Sheni. The garment did not touch the bread, rather, what was in it touched the loaf, Nezid, wine or oil. Then, another food touched [what touched the meat]. The meat was a Sheni, it made a Shelishi, so the last food is a Revi'i.

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