
What is the comparison to "Giborim"?


Malbim: Now it illustrates how they will conquer the city wall. Initially they will run to the wall like Giborim - the nation arranges war from the wall and the opening of the gate. One must run with Gevurah to reach the wall and chase away those who fight.


What is the significance of "k'Anshei Milchamah Ya'alu Chomah"?


Malbim: After reaching the wall, war strategy is needed to ascend the wall.


Why does it say "Ish bi'Drachav Yelechun v'Lo Ye'abetum Orechosam"?


Malbim: The soldiers organize a special Derech (path) for each troop. They also leave a side path to turn to if they need to go to the side or to surround the enemy - this is called Orach. The verse teaches that everyone will go in his Derech, and not go to the Orach (side path).


What is the meaning of "Lo Ye'abetum"?


Rashi: There is nothing like this in Tanach. Based on context, it means Lo Yakelun (they will not make them crooked or hold them back).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They will not block their paths.


Radak #1: This is like "v'Ha'avet Ta'avitenu" (Devarim 15:8), like it says "Gever bi'Msilaso 1 " (8).


Radak #2: They will not make crooked. This is like Ye'abetum in Arabic.


I.e. one will not borrow (take) another's path. (PF)

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