
What do we learn from "v'Shilamti Lachem Es ha'Shanim"?


Radak: This teaches that the four species did not come in one year, like I explained 1 .


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: This is a Mashal, for the days of Mashi'ach. Hashem will pay (give good years) for the years that nations ruled over Yisrael.


Malbim: This is like a Mashal of a mortal king who fought against a country, and they defeated him. He must pay the loss that his soldiers caused at the time of the siege. After you will be victorious via Teshuvah amidst love, I must pay to you what My soldiers caused a loss, and ate harvests.


How do we infer this? Even if all came together, it is possible that the affliction endured several years! (PF)


Above (1:4), Gezem is listed first - "Yeser ha'Gezem Achal ha'Arbeh." Why is Gezem listed last here?


Malbim: When He brought Gezem against them, this was proper, due to their evil deeds. Only after, they began to repent. He 'needs' to pay the full damage due to the other three species, which came after Teshuvah. He will also pay for the damage of the Gezem that was after they repented (during its year).

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