
Why does it say "v'Gam Atah"?


Radak: If you will not repent before they come, also after they come, I warn you to repent. It says "Atah", for it will be soon - "Ki Va Yom Hashem Ki Karov" (1).


Malbim: Also now that the army and Yom ha'Gadol already came, do not think that there is no solution. Also now Hashem says "return to Me with all your hearts!"


What do we learn from "Shuvah Adai"?


Malbim: [Full Teshuvah will help,] even though I am far from you (it says Adai, and not Elai).


What do we learn from "b'Chol Levavchem"?


Radak: The Teshuvah should not be with a divided heart - to show Teshuvah externally, but not in hidden matters. Teshuvah must be [also] in hidden matters - that is primary!


Sha'arei Teshuvah 1:15: The heart and eyes are two merchants of sin. The sin of the heart is atoned for via bitterness and agony over the sin, and the eyes' sin via tears.


What is the significance of "uv'Tzom uvi'Vchi uv'Misped"?


Radak: These are seen, to humble the hearts. One sees his colleague fast, cry and lament - he will humble his heart if he did not repent by himself!


Sha'arei Teshuvah 4:12: A Ba'al Teshuvah should put, corresponding to his sins, fasts, tears and refraining from pleasures. Also refer to 2:12:3:2.


Malbim: Misped is confession and abandoning sin.

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