
What are "Saravim"?


Rashi: It is an expression of rebellion, i.e. Sarvanim. Radak - they refuse and rebel. The Targum of "va'Yema'en" (Bereishis 37:35) is v'Sariv. The Targum of "Mamrim" (Devarim 9:7) is Sarvanim. Targum Yonasan of "Beis Meri" [in this verse] is 'Am Sarvan.'


Rashi citing Dunash: It is an expression of thorns. There are 20 names for thorns.


What are "Salonim"?


Rashi: It is an expression of thorns, like "Sikon Mam'ir v'Kotz Mach'ov" (28:24).


Why does it say "Osach"?


Radak: This is like Itecha (with you).


What is the meaning of "v'El Akrabim Atah Yoshev"?


Rashi #1: The nation that you rebuke, they will weary you and vex you as if you sit on rose branches that sting you from all your sides. Radak - they are hard thorns. It is as if it says v'Im Akrabim.


Rashi #2, Targum Yonasan: They are literally scorpions. You dwell among a nation whose deeds are like scorpions. Radak - this is like "Nachash Saraf v'Akrav" (Devarim 8:15).


Why did He tell him not to fear?


Malbim: He sent him to say harsh words to the nation. Do not fear lest they do evil to you. Even if they say to do evil to you, do not fear. Even though they will refuse to hear and will sting You like a painful thorn, or like a scorpion, do not fear their talk to kill you. Do not lower yourself in front of them. They are "Beis Meri"; they cannot overcome you.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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