
Who says "Chidlu Lachem"?


Radak: Everyone will say so to his friend, for the entire world will fear Hashem. One will tell his brother not to fear people, only Hashem.


Why should they refrain from man?


Rashi #1: Do not heed people who make you stray from Me, to bow to the work of your hands.


Rashi #2: Refrain from all the evil ways, and from learning from man, whose breath is in his nose - do you see what he is considered? And all the more so, [refrain from] idolatry, which is not considered anything!


Malbim: After mentioning that his generation switched their honor (Hashem) for nothingness, to bow to these disgraced rodents, as if they are more important than man - if you do so, you cease to be called a living man with a Neshamah. You are not that species at all! Refer to 2:22:4:5.


Why does it say "Asher Neshamah b'Apo"?


Rashi: All his life and strength depends on the breath of his nose, which is fleeting wind - today he has it, and tomorrow it will leave him. All the more so, do not rely on the form of a mole, which has no substance!


What do we learn from "va'Meh Nechshav"?


Brachos 14a #1: If one greets a friend before praying, it is as if he made him a Bamah (private altar) -- we read va'Meh like 'Bamah.'


Brachos 14a #2: The verse asks rhetorically, "ba'Meh (how) can you regard a person in front of Hashem?!"


Sotah 4b: If one has haughtiness, it is as if he built a Bamah. We read "va'Meh" like Bamah.


Radak: Man is considered like nothing, for his Neshamah is in his nose, i.e. it is close to leaving. It mentions the nose, for life depends on the nose; heat of the heart constantly leaves via the nostrils. Also, the cold of the air enters via the nostrils; researchers know that man lives via this. His life is short - what is he considered, and how can one trust in him or fear him?!


Malbim: If you are called Adam (refer to 2:22:2:3), how is man better than an animal? To say that man should bow to other living beings, this contradicts man's elevation above than animals. If so, you are not called man!

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