
Also until now was what he saw about Yehudah and Yerushalayim? Why does it say "ha'Davar Asher Chazah"?


Radak: Before were punishments that will come on them. Now is the consolation.


Malbim: Before it says how all the nations will go in the name of Hashem. From this tale he was aroused to call Beis Yakov, that they will learn a lesson from what He will do to the nations. They will always go in the light of Hashem. However, in a moment he was astounded from the vision of the level of his generation. The learned the delusions of the idolaters and their follies. He prophesized about them rebuke and punishment until the end of the Siman. One who sees the start of the Nevu'ah errs to think that it is primarily for the nations in the future. He informs that it is about Yehudah and Yerushalayim.

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