
Why does it say "ha'Eved Yisrael"?


Rashi: The prefix Hei introduces a question. Is Yisrael a slave, or a Shifchah's son?! "Bni Bechori Yisrael" (Shemos 4:21), "Banim Atem la'Shem Elokeichem" (Devarim 14:1)! A father normally has mercy on his son. How did Hashem abandon Yisrael, and let Yisrael's enemies despoil it?! Is Yisrael a slave that his master does not oversee him as much as one oversees a son?


Malbim: The Navi asks why this great destruction came [in order to show that it is via Hashgachah, and not chance]. Why do the nations rule over Yisrael? It is not because they own Yisrael - "is Yisrael the slave [of the plunderers]?!" They are not even "Yelid Bayis" (refer to 2:14:2:1)!


What is "Yelid Bayis"?


Rashi: It is a son of the female slave. Malbim - a master has less claim on him than on a slave that he bought or conquered in war.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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