
Why were they upset?


Malbim: (a) This reduced the honor of the king (all of Yisrael should have accompanied him)! (b) It impinged on their honor. Also we wanted to return him!


What is the meaning of "Ganvucha"?


Radak: They crossed you covertly to return you to kingship without our permission, and show as if we do not desire your kingship. We want more than them! They did so to disgrace us!


Why did they say "v'Chol Anshei David Imo"? They were speaking to him?


Radak: We find like this - [Shmuel said] "v'Es Yiftach v'Es Shmuel" (Shmuel I, 12:11), as if he said "v'Osi".

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