
What is the meaning of "Lo Asah Raglav"?


Rashi (from Yevamos 103b): He did not 'fix' his legs, to cut the hair between them. Tosfos (Yevamos 48a) - i.e. hair of the Ervah. One may not infer that one may cut it; perhaps [after this] Chachamim forbade this.


Rashi (Yevamos 48a): He did not cut his toenails. 1


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He did not bathe his legs. Radak - all the more so, he did not bathe his entire body.


Ritva (48b): Yevamos 103a proves that it is of the Ervah. It says that "Raglav" is a euphemism!


What is "Sefamo"?


Rashi: It is his mustache.


Why does it mention that he did not 'fix' his legs or mustache?


Malbim: Before (16:13), David accepted Tziva's words for it seemed that he was correct - Mefivoshes did not go with David to share in his pain, and he was not afraid to remain in Yerushalayim, even though he was a lover of David. Here it is clear that Tziva lied. Mefivoshes shared in David's pain - he had not done his legs, moustache or laundered his clothes from when David left, for he mourned and was pained by his master's pain! Also refer to 19:26:1:2.

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