
What is the meaning of "v'Tzalchu ha'Yarden"?


Rashi: They split the Yarden [with their shields]. Radak - this is like "Pen Yitzlach ka'Esh Beis Yosef" (Amos 5:6). The Targum of "va'Yvaka Atzei Olah" (Bereishis 22:3) is v'Tzalach. I.e. they crossed by foot; there was a place at that time 1 where one may cross by foot. Ralbag - it seemed that they split it, because so many passed.


Radak: They crossed the Yarden. Also Yonason translates v'Gazu, similar to his translation of (Yehoshua 2:7) "ha'Mabros", i.e. Megizasa (places to cross the river).


E.g. in Tishrei rivers are shallow, after a whole summer without rain. However, it was still deep enough for a ferry to pass through (verse 19). (PF)


What is the meaning of "Lifnei ha'Melech"?


Radak: To come in front of the king.


Kli Yakar: They showed him the shallowest place for he and his officers to walk across.


Malbim: After Yehudah and Binyamin had come to greet David on the eastern side, Yehudah split the Yarden (crossed back to the west, before the king did).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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