
What are the connotations of ?Ve'chibes Bigadav??


Targum Yonasan: It means ?And he shall Tovel his garments (in forty Sa?ah of water)?.


Seeing as in Pasuk 6, the Torah mentioned ?ha?Kohen?, why does the Torah insert the word "ve'Chibes Bigadav ha'Kohen"?


Targum Yonasan: Because the Torah is not referring to the same Kohen as in the previous Pasuk, but to the Kohen who performed the Shechitah. 1


Yoma, 43a: To teach us that the Kohen is obligated to wear the four Bigdei Kehunah whilst Toveling his garments. 2


See Na'ar Yonasan, who cites the Sifri, that it is referring to the Kohen who sprinkled the blood, and elaborates.


See Torah Temimah, note 36.


?ve?Achar Yavo el ha?Machaneh?. Which camp is the Torah referring to?


Rashi The Pasuk is referring to Machaneh Shechinah, since the only Teme'im that are sent out of the second camp (the Machaneh Leviyah) are a Zav, a Ba'al Keri and a Metzora . 1


Riva: What Rashi wrote is correct, though, in fact, a Metzora is sent out of all three camps. See also Na'ar Yonasan.


What does the Torah mean when it writes that the Kohen is Tamei after returning to the camp?


Rashi: In fact, he is Tamei immediately, and the Pasuk needs to be inverted to read "ve'Tamei ad ha'Erev va'Achar Yavo el ha'Machaneh".


Targum Yonasan: It means that he is Tamei until he Tovels.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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