
If there is no Kareis for a Korban offered having in mind Chutz li'Mekomo, what is this Pasuk referring to?


Rashi: The Torah is sentencing someone who eats Nosar to Kareis 1 - since we do not need a Pasuk for Chutz li'Zemano. 2


Rashi: The Gemara in Kerisos (5a) learns this from a Gezeirah Shavah "Avono Yisa" "Avonah Tisa" in Tzav, 7:18. See also Torah Temimah, note 20.


Refer to 19:7:2:1.


What are the connotations of "Ki es Kodesh Hashem Chilel"?


Temurah, 3a: To teach us via a Kodshim of Nochrim Gezeirah Shavah from "Ki es'Kodesh Hashem Chilel" from "ve'Lo Yechal'lu" in Emor, 22:2, that like by Tum'ah, 1 Kodshim of a Nochri are not subject to Nosar.


Oznayim la'Torah: The fact that he partakes of Kodshim after the alloted time is akin to taking from the King's Table without permission, as great a desecration of Kodesh as can possibly be.


See Torah Temimah, note 21.

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