Who saw?
Rashi: His mother - Keneses Yisrael.
What is the meaning of "Nochalah [Avdah Tikvasah]"?
Rashi: It is an expression of illness.
Radak #1: It is the opposite of the hope -its hope was lost. Targum Yonasan is like this.
Radak #2: It is hope. It stood many days hoping that things will improve - the hope was lost.
Malbim: Tocheles is for something clear and promised. Tikvah is for something that was not promised. Initially "Nochalah - it seemed that they hope for a clear, promised matter. Later, they saw that there is not even.
Which cub did she take?
Rashi: Yehoyakim.
How did she make him a Kefir?
Rashi: She made him king. Kefir is always a young, strong lion.
Malbim: He was not a Kefir; his nature was weak. The nation made him a Kefir.
Rashi writes that she (Keneses Yisrael) made [Yehoyakim] king. Pharaoh Necho made him king!