
Why is the place of Tofes Tamei?


Radak: Yoshiyah was Metamei it (he cast there Neveilos and all Tum'ah, so people would not consider offering their children there to Molech - Radak Melachim II, 23:10).


To what does "ha'Temei'im" apply?


Radak: It refers to the houses of Yerushalayim and of Malchei Yehudah. Malbim - they are Tamei because they burned to idolatry on the roof.


Why does it say "l'Chol ha'Batim"?


Radak #1: It means due to all the houses.


Radak #2: This Nevu'ah, that they will be like Tofes, applies to the houses on which they burned to idolatry on the roof. Malbim - their law is like Bamos to idolatry, which must be destroyed.

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