Why did he go the Midbar?
Radak: Even in Yehudah, he feared lest Izevel send Sheluchim to kill him. He went to the Midbar, a place without food, to die there; he preferred death to life 1 . Or, Hashem will tell him what to do.
If so, why did he fear lest Izevel's Sheluchim kill him? Perhaps he did not want to others to sin through killing him. (PF)
Why does it say "va'Yavo"? This implies that he had a destination, and reached it!
Malbim: He wanted to be a day's journey into the Midbar, to be isolated with Hashem.
What is "Rosem"?
Rashi: It is tamarisk (or juniper).
Radak #1: It is the root of "Gachalei Resmamim" (Tehilim 120:4), just like from Boker comes "Bekarim" (Eichah 3:23). It is a low tree; its coals are very hot.
Radak #2: This is Zenishta.
Why is it written Achas, and we pronounce it Echad?
Radak: Rosem can be masculine or feminine; masculine is primary.
Malbim (5): The feminine shows that it was small. He could not for under it; he lied under a different, bigger Rosem (verse 6).
Why did he want to die?
Malbim: He already fixed for himself what he needed to fix in this world. It was proper that his soul return to the Source of life, and abandon the physical garment that darkens between it and the clear light. "Va'Yish'al Es Nafso" means that he sought the benefit of his soul.
Why did he say "Rav"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: The road is long. Until when will I wander (flee) like this?!
Radak: I have much [to live] in this world, and I am in danger every day.
Malbim: He already did much (perfected his soul), and more.
What is the meaning of "Lo Tov Anochi me'Avosai"?
Radak: He lived longer than his fathers. This is a proof for the opinion that Eliyahu is Pinchas 1 (Pirkei d'R. Eliezer 47).
Malbim: Do not say that I should stay alive and separate to spirituality, like Adam ha'Rishon before his sin, who should have lived forever. I am no better than my fathers!
This was about 550 years after Pinchas killed Zimri. What is the proof? Does the verse imply that he lived hundreds of years more than them? (PF) Refer to Shoftim 20:28:1:1 and the notes there.