What purpose did the test of the staffs serve?
Rashi (in Pasuk 25) and Rashbam: It proved that Hashem had chosen the Kohanim to serve in the Mishkan. 1
Ramban and Moshav Zekenim: It proved that Hashem had chosen the tribe of Levi 2 to serve in the Mishkan. 3 (Since the B'choros were complaining about this - Moshav Zekenim [in Pasuk 18, citing R. Yehudah ha'Chasid]).
Oznayim la'Torah: a. It proved that Hashem had chosen the tribe of Levi to serve in the Mishkan. and b. Following their complaint that Moshe had killed the two hundred and fifty men, it confirmed that Aharon was the Kohen Gadol. 4
Rashbam: Since they complained that Moshe had killed the two hundred and fifty men, thereby rejecting the first proof. Refer also to 17:6:1:3*, 17:17:151:1.
Pasuk 23 specifically writes "le'Veis Levi" in support of the Ramban.
Oznayim la'Torah: Which explains why Moshe wrote Aharon's name on his staff and not 'Levi'.
Since there was also a staff for the tribe of Levi, why were there only twelve staffs?
Ramban and Moshav Zekenim: Because Yosef was counted as one tribe. 1
Ramban and Moshav Zekenim: Since Yisrael are always counted as twelvr tribes - never thirteen. Consequently, whenever Levi is counted, Efrayim and Menasheh are counted as one tribe - and whenever Levi is not counted, they are counted as two tribe)/
What was written on each staff?
Ramban #1 (citing some commentaries): The name of the tribe 1 - Reuven, Shimon, Levi ...
Ramban #2: The name of the Nasi of the tribe - hence on Levi's staff they wrote 'Aharon'.
"Sh'mo" implies the Nasi's name! And Pasuk 18 explicitly says Aharon's name! Presumably, this is why the Ramban prefers his second explanation (PF).
Rashi writes that the current test was to prove that Hashem had chosen the Kohanim. This was not necessary however, since Korach and his congregation, who were Levi'im, died for requesting the Kehunah, and only Aharon offered Ketores and lived?
Ramban (in Pasuk 25): Perhaps Rashi agrees that the staffs proved that Levi was the chosen tribe, and once Levi was chosen, it followed automatically that Aharon, who was the Nasi of the tribe, was the Kohen Gadol. 1
Hadar Zekenim (in 16:5): They complained that only Aharon had a Kadosh incense-pan - whereas they did not. Now they will see that even Aharon's staff, which was Chulin, would sprout.
See Ramban's objection to his own suggestion.
Rashi writes that the current test was to prove that Hashem had chosen the Kohanim. How is this a proof? Perhaps if another Levi had give his staff, it would also have sprouted?
Refer to 17:17:1:2.