
What is the meaning of "Hoy Hamon Amim Rabim"?


Rashi: A Midah that goes through all generations, the staff via which Yisrael are stricken, in the end it will be stricken. Therefore, Nevi'im who prophesize punishments of Yisrael via nations, they put after it the punishment of the nation that afflicted Yisrael. "Hamon Amim" are the multitudes of Sancheriv.


Radak: "Hoy" is like Oy (woe). Alternatively, it calls out. It discusses Machaneh Ashur, which came against Yerushalayim.


Malbim: Sancheriv's camp is the flooding river that will wash away the mixed graft. It was great in quantity and quality.


What is the comparison to flooding water?


Radak: Machaneh Ashur inundated Yisrael until it came to Yerushalayim, and then Elokim reprimanded it.


What is "Yisha'un"?


Rashi: It is clamor. Radak - Hamon and She'on are the same; the matter is repeated multiple times to strengthen it.

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