
Here it says that that Melech Ashur incarcerated Hoshe'a. Verse 5 says that Melech Ashur came [to Yisrael]!


Metzudas David, Malbim: Hoshe'a was by Melech Ashur when the latter found out that Hoshe'a sent to So Melech Mitzrayim 1 ; he incarcerated him there [in Ashur].


The verse says that Hoshe'a ceased to pay the annual tax. If so, Melech Ashur already knew that he rebels! Perhaps Hoshe'a came to Ashur to give an excuse for not paying the tax yet. Melech Ashur was harsher on him because he found out that Hoshe'a sent to So. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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