
Our verse says that that they never feared Hashem. Verse 33 said that they feared Hashem!


Rashi: They did not fully fear Hashem like the law of Yisrael. Even though they converted due to fear of the lions 1 , they continued to act like before conversion. They served idolatry, like the Kohen, who was from the Shomronim, taught them.


Radak, Malbim: The verse discusses the exiled Yisraelim. They never repented. They still serve idolatry. Yir'as Hashem is serving only Hashem (Yehoshua 24:4, Shmuel I, 12:24). Malbim - however, Nochrim may serve both, with proper intent, and this is Yir'as Hashem (refer to 17:18:1:1).


Radak: Their fear was only due to the lions. Therefore, they were called Gerei Arayos. They should have learned from the punishment of the Jews who were exiled, and [to avoid similar punishment] guarded all the Mitzvos, but they did not. My other Perush is primary (refer to 17:34:1:2).


Why does it say "Asher Sam Shmo Yisrael"?


Radak: After Yakov told his sons "remove the foreign gods amidst you 1 and change your clothes", Hashem appeared to him and said that he will be called Yisrael (Bereishis 35:2, 10).


Malbim: "Yisrael" is based on "Sarisa Im Elohim" (Bereishis 32:29; you overcame an angel; you are above every Sar and Mazal, therefore you are forbidden to serve b'Shituf).


That they took from Shechem after they killed all the men. (PF)

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