
Why is he called "ha'Tishbi"?


Rashi: He was from a land (some texts say 'city') called Toshav. Radak - afterwards he dwelled in Gil'ad. This is the intent of Targum Yonasan.


Why is this brought here (right after the verse about Chi'el)?


Rashi (from Sanhedrin 113a): Eliyahu and Achav came to console Chi'el during his mourning (over his last son). Achav - is it possible that the curse of the Talmid (Yehoshua) was fulfilled, but the curse of the Rebbi (Moshe said "if you will serve idolatry... there will not be rain" (Devarim 11:16-17) was not?. All of Yisrael serve idolatry, and rain is not withheld 1 ! Immediately, Eliyahu swore [that rain will come only through his decree].


Malbim: Punishments of the Torah are only when Yisrael are under Hashem's Hashgachah. "Im Shamo'a Tishme'u Al Mitzvosai


From which Shevet was Eliyahu?


Radak citing Bereishis Rabah 71:9: Chachamim argued about whether he is from Gad or from Binyamin 1 . Some say that he is Pinchas. Each brought contrived proofs from verses for his opinion. We do not know the truth.


Bereishis Rabah: He appeared to them, and said that he is from Rachel. Tosfos (Bava Metzi'a 114b DH Mahu, citing Eliyahu Rabah 18) - he proved this, for it says in the lineage of Binyamin "v'Ya'areshyah v'Eliyahu." Pane'ach Raza (Vayigash) - this is unlike the opinion that Eliyahu is Pinchas. Or, his mother was from Binyamin [or Gad]. Aderes Eliyahu (of the Ben Ish Chai, Parshas Pinchas, citing the Ari Zal) - he is attributed to different Shevatim due to sparks of his Neshamah that came from them. Also refer to Shoftim 20:28:1:1 and the notes there.


Why did he decree that there will not be rain?


Refer to 17:1:2:1 and the note there.


Radak: He was jealous for Hashem's honor. The Torah says "if you will serve idolatry... there will not be rain" (Devarim 11:16-17). He was sure that Hashem would fulfill his word - "v'Sigzar Omer va'Yakam Lach" (Iyov 22:28). This is like Shmuel, who said "I will call to Hashem, and He will give sounds and rain" (Shmuel I, 12:17). Eliyahu intended that they repent; he will decree that there be rain when he sees that all, or some, repent from idolatry.


What is the meaning of "Asher Amadti Lefanav"?


Radak: I regularly stand in front of Him in prayer. The same applies to "Asher Amad Sham Es Pnei Hashem" (Bereishis 19:27).


Malbim: Since I stand in front of Him and His Hashgachah, He will fulfill my decree. Refer to 17:1:2:1*.


Why did he say that also dew will be withheld? The Torah did not discuss this!


Malbim: This was to prove 1 that the rain is withheld due to Eliyahu's decree; it is not a punishment of the Torah. Refer to 17:1:7:2.


Ta'anis 3a-b: Dew was not totally withheld, only dew of Brachah. Eliyahu did not mention that he will return also dew, for Achav could claim that it was never withheld (Rashi 3b)! Perhaps the proof was for others, but not for Achav, who sought any pretext possible to deny Hashem's Hashgachah. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Ki Im l'Fi Davari"?


Targum Yonasan: Only if I will say. Radak - Hashem told him first "appear to Achav, and I will give rain" (18:1). "L'Fi Davari" means 'until I say based on Hashem's command.' 1


Malbim: This is not a punishment for your sins. You are not worthy of punishments of Hashgachah! Rather, Hashem will fulfill my decree. Refer to 17:1:2:1*.


Radak implies that he explains the Targum, but I see no source for his Perush in the Targum. The Gemara says that Hashem told him, if you want to revive the Mes, 'return' to Me the 'key' (control) of rain (refer to 17:17:1:1). I.e. until then, Eliyahu himself could decide when there will be rain! (PF)

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