
Did he answer both questions?


Malbim: Yes. (a) His strength is due to his Nezirus. (b) If he will be shaven, he can be bound. 1


With whatever suffices to bind normal men. (PF)


Above (verse 7), he said that he would be "k'Achad ha'Adam." Why did he say now "k'Chol ha'Adam"?


Malbim: K'Achad ha'Adam is like the most special (strongest). Now he was careful not to lie 1 , and said "k'Chol ha'Adam" (weak).


Malbim's words imply that initially he told the truth, but surely he means that now he said the truth. Perhaps 'v'Amar' is a printing mistake; it should say 'v'Lo Amar' or 'Lomar'. (PF}

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