
How will we reconcile the current Pasuk "Shiv'ah Shavu'os Tispar lach" with the Pasuk in Emor, 23:16 "Tisp'ru Chamishim Yom"?


Chagigah, 17b: The combination of the two Pesukim teaches us that it is a Mitzvah to count the days and a Mitzvah to count the weeks. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 38.


Why does the Torah write "Tispar lach" (singular) and not 'Tisp'ru lachem' like it did in Emor "Tisp'ru Chamishim Yom"?


Sifri: To teach us that the seven weeks begin on the day after Yom-Tov - which is fixed by the Beis'Din, and not the day after Shabbos (like the Tzedokim maintained). 1


See Torah Temimah, note 39, who elaborates


What is a Chermesh?


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: A sickle.


What is the significance of "me'Hachel Chermesh ba'Kamah"? What is it referring to?


Rashi, Ramban #1, Rashbam, Seforno, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It refers specifically to the cutting of the Omer, which is the first harvest of grain 1 that takes place (and which permits the new grain to be eaten).


Ramban #2: It teaches us that the Omer must be cut with a sickle (and not picked by hand).


Menachos, 66a: It teaches us that one starts counting the Omer immediately after cutting the first barley-harvest ? and not any time afterwards. 2


Seforno: Of barley - which ripens then - See Sh'mos 9:21 - whereas the wheat harvest takes place at Shavu'os-time, and one counts the seven weeks from one to the other.


See Torah Temimah, note 40.


Having written ?me?Hachel Chermesh ba?Kama?, why does the Torah need to add ?mi?Yom Havi?achem ? ??


Menachos, 66a: To teach us that the Omer should be brought on the same day that one counta the Omer ? and not any time afterwards. 1


Refer to 16:9:2:3 and note.


Why does the Torah insert the word ?be?Kamah??


Hadar Zekenim: We read "be'Kamah" like 'be'Komah', to teach us that everything regarding the Omer is done standing. Therefore, we also recite the B'rachah over Sefiras ha'Omer standing. 1


Menachos, 71a: "be'Kamah" teaches us that the Omer should be brought from corn that is still standing, 2 and not that has already been cut.


Sifri: "ba'Kamah" teaches us that the Omer is cut from corn that is all standing - in other words, it is the first of the barley-harvest to be cut.


Rosh (Vayikra 23:16): And the same applies to the B'rachah over Tzitzis and Lulav, which we learn via a Gezeirah Shavah; "Lachem" "Lachem" - in connection with all of these. Ashkenazim therefore recite a B'rachah on [almost] all Mitzvos standing (Mishnah B'rurah 8:2).


See Torah Temimah, note 41.


What is the second half of the Pasuk "me'Hachel Chermesh ba'Kamah Tachel Lispor ... "coming to teach us?


Menachos, 66a: It teaches us that the time to count the Omer is after the Omer has been cut - the night following the first day of Pesach - and not at any time - even after the Omer has been brought. 1


See Torah Temimah, citing Menachos Ibid. and note 40.


Why is it neessary to count the weeks until Shavu'os?


Seifer ha'Chinuch: To show one's excitement at the forthcoming Matan Torah - just like one counts the days towards a happy event that is spproaching.


Tur (al ha'Torah): Because during the weeks following Pesach, people are busy harvesting their crops up until Shavu'os, and are likely to forget the date of Shavu'os.

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