
What do we learn from "Ish ke'Matnas Yado"?


Rashi #1 (citing the Sifri): Someone who has many eaters (people to eat them) and a lot of property (money) should bring many Olos and many Shelamim. 1


Rashi #2 (in Sefer ha'Pardeis): It is fitting for Yisrael to designate their Nedavos on Yom-Tov, in order to fulfill "Ish ke'Matnas Yado".


Seforno: One should give generously, but not excessively, to the point that one needs to come on to people for assistance. 2


Chagigah, 8b: Whereas if he has many eaters and little property, he should bring many Shelamim and few Olos; few eaters and much property, he should bring many Olos and a few Shelamim; whereas if he owns little property and has few eaters, he should bring a few Olos and a few Shelamim. See also Torah Temimah, note 73, who cites the Yerushalmi in Chagigah, 1:5 and elaborates.


Seforno: As the Gemara states in Kesuvos, 50a 'Someone who gives a lot of Tzedakah should not give more than a fifth!'


What is the word "Ish" coming to preclude?


Yerushalmi Chagigah, 1:5: It precludes a Katan from the Chiyuv of bringing Shalmei Simchah. 1


Even though he is Chayav Re'iyas Panim. See Torah Temimah, note 72.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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