
Why did Moshe call Dasan and Aviram?


Rashi: He called them to him in order to appease them. 1


Ramban: He called them to warn them and their cohorts and to appease them. 2


Targum Yonasan and Rashbam: He sent messengers to invite them to a Din Torah.


Rashi: From here we learn not to latch on to Machlokes (It takes two to quarrel!)


Ramban: In the same way as he warned and appeased Korach and the Levi'im.


Why did Moshe make a point of sending a Shali'ach?


Mo'ed Katan, 16a: With reference to 16:12:1:3 - Because it is the Shali'ach Beis-Din who must invite a litigant to a Din Torah and not the other litigant. 1


See also Torah Temimah, note 8. See also Torah Temimah note, citing the same Gemara, which learns from the Pasuk there the basic obligation of inviting the litigants to a Din Torah - in the name of a great man (See Torah Temimah, note 13), and of naming the other litigant and the exact time when to appear in Beis-Din - seeing as there, Moshe, who was calling Korach and his men to a Din Torah with Hashem, was the Shali'ach Beis-Din - Oznayim la'Torah, citing the Ran in the name of the Ra'avad.


Why did Moshe call Dasan and Aviram, but not On ben Peles?


Ramban: He called Dasan and Aviram because, together with Korach, they were the main instigators of the rebellion ? princes of the congregation and highly influential - whereas On simply followed them, and Moshe figured that if they would relent, so would he. 1


Ramban: And since Moshe did not call him, he left the rebels and went home. Refer also to 16:1:6:1 and note..


What are the connotations of "Lo Na'aleh"?


Rashi: Dasan and Aviram predicted that they would go down to below the ground. 1


Rashbam: They meant that they would not appear 2 before Moshe's Beis-Din. 3


Oznayim la'Torah: It seems from here that even in the desert it was customary for a leader and a Dayan to sit on a raised locaton. 4


In keeping with the saying 'Al Yiftach Adam Piv le'Satan' (B'rachos, 15a).


Refer to 16:12:1:3.


Rashbam: As we find in Ki Seitzei Devarim, 25:7 and in Shoftim, 4:5.


See Oznayim la'Torah, who explains the Pasuk in Ki Seitzei (See previous note) in the same way, and who interprets the Pasuk in Bo Sh'mos, 11:8 - in connection with Par'oh - "ve'Yardu Chol Avadecha Eileh Eilai" in similar fashion.

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