
What path looks straight, and its end is the ways of death?


Refer to 14:12:1:1-2, 4-5.


R. Yonah (25-26): It says so above (14:12); there it refers to laughter and Simchah, like the verse after it explains "Gam bi'Schok Yich'av Lev." Here, it is followed by "Nefesh Amel Amlah Lo Ki Achaf Alav Pihu." He sees no sin in excesses and pleasurable foods and delicacies. Its end is the ways of death - he [must toil much for them, and] consumes his days in folly and bodily toil. He forgets his Maker, and does not engage in fixing the Nefesh.


Malbim: This refers to "Tzuf Devash Imrei No'am" (24). It explains that there is a path that is straight in people's eyes. Initially, it seems that it is straight to fulfill bodily desires and its requests, but its end is the ways of death, for in the end the body dies and decays, and also the spiritual Nefesh will die.

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