
What is the meaning of "Chavalim Naflu Li ba'Ne'imim"?


Rashi: When my lot fell to be in Your portion, this was a pleasant; "it was beautiful to me."


Radak: The portions that fell to me in pleasant places and with good, proper mindsets.


Malbim: This refers to the spiritual pleasures of the Nefesh. I received great spiritual portions and brightness; the idolaters have no pleasure of the Nefesh or eternal existence.


What is the meaning of "Af Nachalas Shafrah Alai"?


Radak: The Sov at the end of Nachalas is in place of a Hei; it is not Samuch. We find like this - "Azi v'Zimras Kah" (Shemos 15:2), "Havah Lanu Ezras mi'Tzar" (below, 60:13) and similar verses. It says Af, for most people, when they divide, each is jealous of his colleague's portion and thinks that it is better than his own. My portion is beautiful to me. I am not envious of another portion, for I have the good portion.


Malbim: 'Nachalah' refers to bodily success. Fathers bequeath this to their children - "Bayis va'Hon Nachalas Avos" (Mishlei 19:14). My Nachalah is beautiful to me, unlike idolaters. They seek excess [pleasures], and are not happy with their portions. 'What is the difference between Talmidim of Avraham, and Talmidim of Bil'am? The former eat in this world [and inherit the world to come. The latter inherit Gehinom. - Avos 5:19]

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