
What is the significance of remembering your ways?


Rashi: When I benefit you, you will remember your evil ways and be ashamed in front of Me, that you bestowed to Me evil, and I bestow good to you. Radak - this will be when Yisrael leaves Galus.


Malbim: I will do one thing that will make you always remember your prior deeds, to be embarrassed about them. This is based on the Mashal above (refer to 16:52:4:3). After returning the judge to his position, the king wanted that his sin will always be in front of his eyes. He commanded that the two men with whom he returned, they will always be by him. He will need to support them, like his sons. He will always remember that he sinned like them, and he was redeem to his position via them. He will always be ashamed of his sin!


What are the big and small sisters?


Rashi: You will conquer the places around you to 'inherit' them - small and big.


Radak: You will take the big ones (Shomron and its towns, i.e. [Malchus] Efrayim) together with the small ones (Binyamin and Shimon) under your hand. They were already under Yehudah - Shimon inherited amidst Yehudah's portion. Kingship will be to Yehudah - "va'Asisim l'Etz Echad" (37:19).


Malbim: Shomron and Sedom.


What are "l'Vanos"?


Rashi: They are suburbs for you; they are subservient to you, e.g. Sedom and its towns.


Radak: They are open cities (without a wall).


Malbim: Shomron and Sedom will be like daughters to you (refer to 16:61:1:2).


What is the meaning of "v'Lo mi'Brisech"?


Rashi: It is not because you guarded the Bris that I made with you 1 , rather, from My Chesed and mercy that I guard the Bris.


Rashi citing Tanchuma: It is not from you ancestral inheritance. I did not give it to Avraham Bris Bein ha'Besarim.


Radak: Those who are not from your Bris and Torah, e.g. Sedom and its cities.


Malbim: "Va'Hakimosi Lach Bris Olam" (60) is not due to you, like the previous Bris that was between both of us. They made a Bris not to veer from the Torah; based on this, He made a Bris to establish them as a nation to Him. Now the Bris will not be due to you and your Bris, rather, to Me (refer to 16:62:1:1).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: You transgressed the Torah and did not guard the Bris! Rather, I will do so for My sake.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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