
What is the meaning of "bi'Vnosayich Gabech [b'Rosh Kol Derech]"?


Rashi: This is like bi'Vnosayich, an expression of building. Radak ? because the Makor (infinitive) resembles the noun, sometimes it is plural. The same applies to "b'Hizaroseichem ba'Aratzos" (6:8). The Ribuy teaches great building to many gods. Gabech is like "va'Tivni Lach Gav" above (24).


Malbim: Only a Zonah Shalates who does not fear a husband, and intends for an Esnan, would be Mafkir herself to all and publicize this, to increase her business and wages. If so, why were you not "ka'Zonah Lekales Esnan"?


It is written Asisi, and we pronounce it Asis!


Radak: It is written with an extra Yud. the same applies to Hayis. The pronunciation is normal, for we find an extra Yud after the suffix Chaf ? Avonaichi, Ne'uraichi, Tachalu'aichi, but not after a final Tov of the conjugation.


What is "Lekales Esnan"?


Rashi: It is to speak and boast about a nice Esnan that they give to her. Keles is always an expression of speech.


Radak: In this you were unlike a Zonah. She mocks and belittles the Esnan, so the Bo'el will give more to her. You were like a Zonah who greatly desires Zenus ? even the smallest Esnan is good in her eyes. Amidst her desire, she would give an Esnan! "V'At Nasat Es Nedanayich" (33).


Radak (according to the Mashal): This depicts Yisrael's great desire for other gods ? they seek kinds of Avodos everywhere, and hire messengers and send silver and gold to gods of the nations. [Yisrael] esteem [the nations'] gods in their eyes. This is the opposite of all nations. Each nation serves its god, and disgraces gods of another nation! This is why it says "Hefech Min ha'Nashim" (34).

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