
What is "v'Es Devarecha"?


Radak: I transgressed what you said to me on Hashem's command.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: [I transgressed Hashem word] and rebelled 1 against your words.


Why does Yonason translate 'rebelled'? "Avarti" refers to "Pi Hashem" and "v'Es Devarecha"! The Targum avoids attributing the same matter to Hashem and people (Lev Yitzchak Shoftim 9:13), i.e. even the words of Hashem and of people (PF), and even what was said about Hashem and people (Bamidbar 21:7)!


Was Sha'ul afraid of the entire nation?


Rashi: He was afraid of Do'eg, who was as important as all of them.

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