
Why should Yerushalayim praise?


Radak: Hashem desires you, for you trust in Him. "Yerushalayim" refers to its residents.


Malbim: Shevach is making something better than it was. You (Yerushalayim) increase Hashem's praise more than it was via all the nations.


Why does it add "Haleli Elokayich Tziyon"?


Radak: The matter is repeated in different words.


Malbim: "Hashem" refers to the general conduct that the Creator established. "Elokayich" teaches about His connection to Yisrael, to do for them wonders. The Chachamim and officers were in Tziyon; they praise for the wondrous Hashgachah. The commoners were in Yerushalayim; they praise for the general conduct.

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