
What do we learn from "b'Chol Yom Avarechecha"


Radak citing Brachos 40a: Every day, give to Him a Brachah appropriate for the day. A support is "Baruch Hashem Yom Yom" (68:20). Also our verse supports this!


Malbim: This Brachah is constant every day, and is Mischadesh every day. Every day Hashem renews Ma'ase Bereishis and brings down a new Brachah. Tehilah is not for Hashem Himself - "Lecha Dumiyah Sehilah 1 " (65:2). Only via the influence of Brachah from Him, His praise is recognized. Since there is a new Brachah each day, so there is new praise each day.


Yerushalmi Brachos 9:1:.Hashem's praise is silence, for one who tries to tell His praise, he blemishes (diminishes from His true praise).


What is "l'Olam va'Ed"?


Radak: I will bless You every day in this world, and praise Your name in the world to come, which is l'Olam va'Ed.

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