What are "Ma'avayei Rasha"?
Megilah 6a: They are the desires of Esav.
Rashi: They are the desires of Amalek.
Radak, Malbim: It is his desires to trap me.
What is the meaning of "Al Tafek"?
Megilah 6a: This refers to Germamya of Edom. If they would be released, they would destroy the entire world.
Rashi: His intent should not succeed. Chazal (Shabbos 111b) explained that "Zemamo" is a muzzle; do not remove the muzzle from his jaws. Radak - Tafek is to take out, like "v'Yafek Ratzon me'Hashem" (Mishlei 18:22).
Why does it say "Yarumu Selah"?
Rashi: They will become haughty.
Radak: If they will carry out their intent, they will lift their heads, [Sha'ul] and his friends.
Malbim: David and Sha'ul were on opposite sides of a mountain. Sha'ul wanted his men to ascend to the top, and from there they will shoot arrows on David and his men. This would force David to distance from the mountain.