
What is the meaning of "va'Tomer


Targum Yonasan: She came to the king. Radak - this is because later, the verse says that she said to the king, and it does not say that she came to him. Therefore, the first va'Tomer refers to coming to him.


Radak citing his father: She told the people who sit at the gate why she wants to speak to the king; they told her, he will not listen to you, for many want to speak to him. She said (verse 15) "Yer'uni ha'Am" - they scared me, and said that you will not hear my words. When she entered, she said "king, save!", like people who scream.


Malbim: Immediately when she came, she screamed "king, save!" Later she bowed and repeated this. She said so immediately lest the king's youths repel her, and to make known that her matter is urgent.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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