
What was "Holech va'Rav"?


Radak #1: The verse is abbreviated. It is understood that the breakage in the Pelishti camp was increasing. Also Yonason translates so. 1


Radak #2: The panic in the Pelishti camp was increasing. Hamon is like Mehumah. If it meant the multitude, it would not need to say "b'Machaneh Pelishtim", just like it did not say so in verse 16!


Malbim: The Hamon, i.e. Hamiyah (agitation) and noise, was increasing.


Chomas Anach: Radak's text of the Targum is correct; ours is mistaken.


What is the meaning of "Esof Yadecha"?


Radak: This is like "va'Ye'esof Raglav" (Bereishis 49:33). He should gather his hands to himself, and refrain from opening the Urim v'Tumim and asking from them.


Targum Yonasan: Bring the Efod close. Radak - This is difficult. He already asked to bring the Aron! Why does it say "until Sha'ul spoke to the Kohen?"? (He did not retract!) He should have said Pesach (open) Yadecha, and not "Esof Yadecha"! We do not find that he asked from the Urim v'Tumim! Perhaps the Targum means that he commanded to bring the Efod to the Aron, and hide it.


Why did Sha'ul retract from asking from the Urim v'Tumim?


Radak: He saw that the Machaneh Pelishtim is melting amidst anarchy. Now is time for us to fight them, for Hashem is with us!


Was it improper to retract from asking from the Urim v'Tumim after he began?


Midrash Tehilim (27): When Sha'ul went to anoint David, the angels asked Hashem why He takes kingship from Sha'ul to David. He answered, when Sha'ul saw the Pelishtim, he interrupted from asking from the Urim v'Tumim. When Pelishtim came against David in Emek Refa'im, David began to ask!

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